Fullgen is a leading global provider of genetic diagnostics and mutation-related disease analyses. We are an interdisciplinary group of doctors, physician, computer scientists and biotechnologists.

We offer the sequencing of your genome individually, confidential and fast. This allows you to detect predisposition to serious illness of genetic origin, both of you and your children.

In addition, Fullgen analyzes a series of related genetic markers with cholesterol, obesity / diabetes and cardiovascular risk, allowing detection genetic trends that can be corrected with adequate health habits.

A pharmacogenetic study is also performed.

Our Services

Whole Exome Sequencing

The sum of all coding regions in a genome is called the exome. In humans, this includes 23,000 genes with…

Whole Genome Sequencing

Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) provides the most comprehensive map of an organism’s genetic make-up…

Only Bibliography Search

This service applies if you already have your sequence made by another company, and you want our team to recheck in…

Future Searches Fullgen

Because the costs in sequencing are decreasing every day, what we know today of diseases and their relationships with…

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